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Monday, August 2, 2010
Zzz fb cannot open -.- bloody shit! Wanted to see the pics during recess today :/
Anyway the latest news: (actually not really but anyway).
Ms karen went back to india :O or something like that. How, you say? Well, it all started when gloria threw the giraffe named karen out of the window...

The day after gloria threw the giraffe named karen out of the window, we received blue writings on the board from ms karen saying that she's leaving tkgs that day. We were all surprised and shocked. The end. Nice story right :D
Advice to you: If you want your teacher out of the school , take an object/stuffed animal that represents her/him the best and throw it out somewhere until you cannot find it [:

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Well at least for now. August got chinese tests D:<>
Okay this is all for today, byebye ^^.


Sunday, July 25, 2010
Zzz tmr got lit and IH CA and here I am sitting in front of the computer. I should be using this extra time to do revision but i'm not. Wow.
Okay so I think i'm going to fail my CAs zzz. Pfffffffffff I don't feel like revising. Thank god I revised yesterday and today morning. I still have to read some of lit .. ): like somehwhere @ chapt 4 now ._. going to most probably finish reading it tonight and go through IH once more so that i'll remember. Then tmr morning also revise IH again. Haiz STRESSSSSS ):<
K bai I shall go somewhere else. [:

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Another boring day.
& guess what! I thought it was odd week when it's actually even week -.- so that means I packed according to the wrong timetable. Now usually that wouldn't cause much trouble but apparently I had PE today so it caused me a shitload of trouble. But fortunately, I tricked the teacher into thinking that I had a tummy che and she actually bought into my story ! WOW AM I AMAZED. But she asked me to walk two rounds zzz. This was our conver:

Me: Err teacher I not feeling very well today. Can I not run?
Teacher: Why what's wrong?
Me: Oh cos I got stomache ache.
Teacher: What kind? Isit like stomache flu or..?
Me: No like diarhoeaa (idk how to spell but meaning is laosai la)
Teacher: Okayy.. you can walk right?
Me: Yaa -thinking- obviously I can walk you think I come to school for what if I cannot walk ==.
Teacher: Then you walk while the others run.
Me: Okay -thinking- Wtf. Ah well it can save me from boredom.

After PE was recess ~ then lit :): I kinda like lit cos I don't really die of boredom in that class :O but sometimes it's like boring .-. idk why [x
There's one funny thing that always happens in ms nadia's classes: In one point of time, there'll be an announcement and the announcement is always long and stupid and distrupts the lesson. And it doesn't even really concern us ._. then nadia gets pissed :)

Ahh im lazy to type alr :x & I kinda forgot what to say :/ hmm.. OHYEAH. I REMEMBER. After school right, yangyang went to recycle the plastic bottles so we went down to look for her. WE COLLECTED 92 FREAKING BOTTLES :O I mean it's like. Woah ! So much for just ONE class. Actually the reason why we have so many bottles (and most is green tea AHAHA) is because we always eat in class then get people to buy bottle drinks for us. :) Well, we're 1/8 after all. We're meant to break the rules. If any teacher sees this uh, NOT MY FAULT IF YOU ALL GET INTO TROUBLE :X
Kkay I have nothing more to say ~ byebye (:


Thursday, July 15, 2010
As in confiscate. Anyway it wasn't really my fault but I don't blame jazlyn either. It was hoy being an asshole and now i'm phoneless for 2 weeks.

2 fking weeks.

How the eff am I suppose to survive D: I will die one luh shit shit shit that bloody bitch. Hope she and her baby dies. She has mood swings.
I shall follow daniel's advice and call MOE lol. So I can get my phone back faster :) MOE say the teacher cannot keep the phone overnight lor. HAHAHAHA i'm so going to get my mother to call MOE.
But I see if she wants to even call first ._. cos she'll probably say "Nono it's a good thing that you're phone's confiscated for 2 weeks cos now you won't be attending to your useless friends all the time..." & blah blah blah. Firstly, if my friends were USELESS, why the hell did I make friends w them in the first place ==. And if I find the person annoying obviously I won't reply right!
Geez dumb la she.
Ah shall stop here bye ):

Monday, July 12, 2010
Wtf la the fucking keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeboaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaard iiiiiiiiiiiiis being an aaaaaaaaaaaaaasshole. Ssssssssssssseee what I mean -.-


Tuesday, July 6, 2010
GAH I THOUGHT TODAY WAS MONDAY D:< ! Well thank god i'm not the only one. Claire & Serene too *phew*
Then I didn't bring SCIENCE , IH , PE & LIT stuff D:<

First lesson was science. God she doesn't even know the difference between terapin and turtle, she doesn't know what is mould. How did she even qualify to be a bio teacher ?! Ah whatever. During this lesson , we were supposed to do 1 ppt slide about some animal or something then present it. My group TOTALLY forgot about it. So we like anyhow say and made a fool of ourselves. We're famous for that anyway.
3rd lesson was PE. Then I told the woman that I thought it was monday so I didn't wear my pe shirt and I had no pe shorts on too. But I had fbts.
She asked me to run WITH the fugly pinafore on because the fbts were the sexy cut one -.-

Lemme show you the conver:
T: Eh you 3 girls come here and explain to me why you're not wearing your pe attire.
Claire: Cos we thought it was monday.
T: But today is tuesday
Me (in my mind): yeah that's why she said we THOUGHT it was monday you dog -.-
T: Never mind. Run in your pinafore.
Me (in my mind): WHAT? Do pe in PINAFORE? People think we crazy ah!
So I told her: But I wearing shorts that can run one.
T: What kind of shorts?
T: straight cut or the high cut one?
Me: Err high.
T: Oh then cannot.
Me: !!#$%&

But I was like whatever la cos I thought we would be doing not so sweaty stuff so I didnt give a shit.
But after she said that we were doing 2.4, I started to not only give a shit, but 2 shits. And I was like "fk, you want me to run 2.4 with my PAINAFORE ON ?" geez what the hell la. But she said today will give us discount run only 1.6 yay.
Then I flipped up my pinafore to pull down the blouse and I saw that the shorts didnt look THAT high so I asked her if I could take off my pinafore. At first she looked reluctant but I kept begging her so in the end she gave in HAHAHA.
But guess what. She gave me 10secs to REMOVE the pinafore and put it w the rest which is like 20m away or something. How the eff am I supposed to do that in 10secs but I did it anyway.
I was like removing the top and running at the same time then suddenly I stopped in the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE to remove it from the bottom and everyone was laughing at me. I think it must've been an enjoyable sight for them. Then I ran and threw the pinafore but it landed far away from the rest but I just hecked it & ran back as there was only 8 secs left. Reached in time :) I think .-. ah whatever.
My 1.6 improved woohoo ~ 10mins something [x last time like 12 ._. heehee I am happy :) & I thank god that she let me remove the pinafore if not I would've died due to the heat.

After school chloe hannah and I went library to do chinese proj that's dued today. Err it's rather pathetic except for hannah's slide lol cos she did hers at home and me and chloe didn't do anything cos mine had like nothing so in the end we didn't do that slide. Sue Anne's slide was also pathetic cos it had few words on it AND 2 OF THE POINTS OUT OF 3 WAS WRONG SUE ANNE D:<

Hmm.. I shall end here :) later at night got ballet ^^

Saturday, July 3, 2010
Hey guys :) i'm bored & is watching Cinderella 3: A twist in time now :)
Was watching little mermaid 2 before that ^^ disney rocks! :D
Anyway , today was carnival day. To wrap up the whole thing, our class made a loss. Our stall was supposed to be ethnic photo booth but in the end it just became photo booth lol. & there was also limbo but no one wanted to play sadd.
2/8 earned 330+$ :O ! Amazing hor ? I thought they would don't care dont care dehhys. I think maybe they're selling food that's why they very enthu lol :) wasted alot of money today. Also not very sure what I spent on .-.
Kkays , shall continue watching my Cinderella (:
Nights ^^

Tuesday, June 29, 2010
I realised we hardly did anything today :O
Since I have nothing much to do, I shall post about today :)
When I woke up, it was raining. So I thought "yay it's raining :D" but I quickly changed my opinion of the rain to "shit i'm going to be freaking late" because when it was 7.20, we were still at tao nan PLUS we have not dropped off my sis and bro :O but anyways.
When I reached tkgs, the first 3 words I heard was "condusive learning environment" & I was like O.O d&t teacher! HAHAHA. And yes I was late for school, but not late for class :) hee ^^
Lalala I was the 2nd last to reach class ^^ hannah was last xP missed national anthem as I was late yay :D but I didn't miss the attire check D: sadd. Got scolded by daphne the prefect -.- oh well. Don't really give a shit :x
After all that crap, it was time for lit lesson. 1/8 thought that it would most probably be another boring lesson as before but NOO, we were wrong again ! Ms nadia didn't even come to class :O we were practically whooping w joy when we saw a relief teacher step in as we knew that this would be a slack period :D no offence to ms nadia lovers though :x well she can be nice at times but.. ^^
So yea, since ms nadia didn't leave us any work, we were slacking like nobody's business :) was smsing the john guy together w hannah gloria and valencia. You may be wondering why valencia joined in as you all know, she's a goody two shoes. Anyway. She joined because.. well because i'm not sure what reason but it's because of because :) HAHA okayokay this is what I heard:
Valencia: Who you smsing?
Hannah: Some guy
Then idk what they said. But this was next:
Hannah: I bet you only got 4 guy's number in your phone.
Valencia: Yaa.. my dad my uncle my.. (2 other people)
*hannah turns to me*
Hannah: She's so innocent!
Me: Yeah she's from a girls school. So?
Hannah: Me leh? (she's from girls school btw)
Me: Well you're different.
Hannah: *laughs*
Ahh I don't want to type anymore. My father told me that accessive typing will kill my tissue cells and i'll die because of too much tissue loss or something. HAHA kidding.
V: Can give me a guy's number to sms?
H: :O *shock* (gave john's number xD)
And apparently john thinks valencia is a very nice girl. Maybe it's because she's too innocent and he thinks he can take advantage of her :O nah kidding [x

Okays moving on to next lesson of the day ~
Uhh... English! Boring shit but kinda slack too :D because ms karen got transfered to 1/3 where she would be more appreciated :) I kinda miss her but my impression changed when she came up during reading period and starting being an ass. Was learning about rock&roll. And what era it was in and what was fashionable then or something like that. Nothing much interesting.
Next was MATHH ~ :D I miss mrs hoy ^^ heehee :) uhh math ah.. also like nothing :/ just that I found out that there was a test on week i-forgot-what. Darn have to go and check ._. Laa ~ & I revised the chapters that are going to be tested today :D
Hee I so good ^^ Lol i'm going to do thats for the next few days. Like come back from school and revise what has been taught cos my mum asked me to do so and I think I should do it too if not my grades' going to come out like this: F F F F F F and i'll be like "F it luh!" okay not funny.
Haiz during recess ah, idk if it's fate or what luh D: we keep meeting that sham person D: && the bad thing is that she & her friends ALWAYS (or at least for the past 2 days) sit behind our table D: what a cruel way to punish us )x actually it's not really punishment but yea :/
So anyways , after recess was reading period then chinese ~ AAAH NO MORE CHINESE @ AVT D: I will miss the aircon there ):< ! Instead, we moved to 1/6 as we all "streamed" now sue-anne is not in the same class as us alr D: & i'm sitting infront D:< ! Shit luhs. Ah oh well i'll get over it. Thank god yellow old man still my chinese cher. If not ah, haiz. Chinese was also slack. Yellow man introduced himself to the other toots like on the first day he introduced himself to us toots. Since I wasn't part of this introducing thing, I was smsing. Then , I received a message from sue-anne :O wonder how she is. She told me that they were playing blow wind blow (cheena version) lol [x & she cheated in one cos she's the only december baby. HAHA :D & she's being moved to the front cos she.. ah go her blog you'll see her explanation on why she's being moved to the front - www.goats-ahoy.blogspot.com

Next period - IH:
SLACKED ! (SEEE, TOLD YOU ALL PERIODS WERE SLACK) but we have another proj ): sadd. Have to act out D:< & i'm very very very bad at that as you can see. I think haena will pass :) but she's still in P6 ._. Oh well. Wait long long :D
Discussed the stupid proj thing, grouped w jazlyn gloria and hannah. Lalalaaaa ~ after IH go home WOO :)
Tmr got PE and thurs got PE enrichment :D yayy ^^ maybe not PE enrichment but at least it's not lessons :)
Ah shall end here happy reading :D and good luck dying, BYES !


Monday, June 28, 2010
Surprisingly, today was okay :O
Morning had assembly. Boring piece of shit but at least got to miss english TEEHEE. Gah I don't my new eng cher and new form cher D: they're both the same people though :x double hatred for her sadd ~
Next lesson was chinese. Went there super late (like 20mins+) & we thought we were going to get hell from mr yellow but NOO, guess what ? HE WASN'T EVEN IN THE CLASSROOM ! Phew :D saved our asses. But idk why he so late too though :/ but it's good, it's good :) next was lit. I think it was the most fun lit lesson in the whole year so far :) she gave us a surprise man :O or at least me [x this was what happened:
She seeing that we were all going to sleep & doze off into our wonderlands, she quickly thought of this brilliant plan *claps*.
1. She asked all of us to stand up.
2. Me thinking that she was going to make us stand for the WHOLE LESSON, almost dropped my jaw & stood up reluctantly.
3. She asked us to sit anywhere we wanted to. On the tables, on the floor, at the back, on the fan, w our friends , etc.
4. I WAS SO SHOCKED. I was like "w-what?" & no one moved for like 3 secs or something.
5. She asked us to move quickly.
6. Moved to sit w my group still in a daze.

I was seriously damn shocked ! Okay anyway then the lesson was DAMN INTERESTING FROM THEN ON. We told her about the latest tao nan news thing then HER jaw dropped. HAHAHAA she was asking us how some things from the past were related to today then chloe mentioned the tao nan thing xD HAHA IT WAS SO FUNNY LA. Today's lesson was unexpected & fun :)
After that was recess ~ recess timetable change again -.- Wth. But at least we only got 2 days of reading period WOO. And 2 common recess WOO WOO. Hee [x
Anyways let me continue w my today although there's nothing much left. After recess was D&T. Surprisingly i'm not so scared of the teacher today :O thank god. Nothing much happened in there as you know it's so quiet you can hear my hair drop. Last lesson was LEGACY. I quite like legacy cos we don't really have to do anything wee (: I think it was during legacy ms tong and ms nadia ask us if we went for holiday. I TELL YOU UH, I MOMENTARILY FORGOT WHERE I WENT FOR HOLIDAY :O maybe it's not memorable enough to survive 2-3 weeks in my brain or something.

Before I end, I would like to say that i'm moving to KIARA TEN @ KEMBANGAN by the end of this year woo ^^ okay byes (:


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